Climate change facts and how you can make a big difference

It is really important that we all do our bit to help limit global warming; this post will show you what you can do to assist.

Something we can all do to attempt and limit our influence on the climate is to use less energy when we are at home. It might be as easy as changing lights off when you leave the room, or by turning off the tap when you are brushing your teeth. If you were to look up what causes climate change, a big factor would be the range of energy, we go with to heat up our homes, especially in someplace like the UK; to reduce this, it's worth insulating your house, or by installing something like a wise meter which records your energy use. Simone Rossi heads a corporation that offers smart meters, and it is a good way to save money on bills whilst also reducing your carbon dioxide footprint.

Our present society uses a gargantuan amount of plastic, and this can be a problem for our ecosystem, but in particular to our wildlife. If we can limit our use of plastic, then we can help reduce one of the most obvious climate change facts, that plastic generation is a massive contributor to global warming. Through the use of reusable items, or more natural components that can be reused. A top thing you can do is to carry a metallic or reusable coffee mug around with you: by doing so, you will not have to go with coffee cups that are nearly never reprocessed, something that is sometimes reported on in climate news. Café chains will offer nondisposable coffee cups in their stores or will offer savings to folks who go with reusable cups: Kevin Johnson runs a large café chain that does just that. The same standard can be applied to the use of plastic bottles, it makes far more sense to carry a reusable bottle around with you that you can just fill up.

Our transportation needs can be a significant contributing factor to the production of green-house gases. The problem lies in the fact a lot of us need cars to go about our every day lives, so it's not something we can instantly cut out. A possible solution to climate change is to drive electric cars. The use of electric cars cuts out the pollution caused by burning petrol or diesel, which releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide and other unsustainable gases. Vincent Bolloré leads a business that has invested in the creation and growth of electric cars and trucks. The electric car market is one of the fastest growing in the field mainly as a result of peoples wish to drive the cars because they're cheaper. Another awesome benefit of driving electric vehicles is that they are not really incorporated in congestion charges, so they are perfect if you use your car in cities.

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